Enrollment Closed

About me

Hi, I’m Camille! I can't wait to help you reach your baking dreams.

How fabulous would it be to create drool-worthy desserts that you're proud of (and people can't wait to try them)?!

To have the skills and abilities to create desserts that make people say, "Wow, you're like the next Julia Child!"

And you make it look easy.

Because you're smart, talented, and capable of baking anything you set your mind to.

But when you step into the kitchen to create a recipe or decorate a cake, the doubts start flooding in.

Because you still don't have all the knowledge or skills to create what you envision. 

So you do what you've always done.

Stick to what you know, and don't dare to try something new because you might fail.

I mean, who wants to fail when you're investing time, ingredients, and effort into a dessert?

Not me. And I'm pretty certain not you either!



"The more you know, the more you can create. There’s no end to imagination in the kitchen."

-Julia Child


That's why I've made it my mission to help bakers all over the world learn the skills they need.

(Without the hefty $$$$ tag of a culinary school)

You see, I know what it's like to step into the kitchen and to feel defeated before you've even begun.

As a pastry chef, I learned classic French techniques and skills, but I didn't really understand the science behind baking.

So even though I knew how to make pretty desserts and could follow any recipe, I still struggled with creating recipes and fixing baking problems.

Until I decided to take control of my own education.

I learned the why behind baking, and I began to excel in the kitchen in a way I never had before.

✨Even if you don't want to create recipes, you still need to understand the science. ✨

Because undoubtedly, we all face problems in the kitchen


Wouldn't it be easier to troubleshoot a recipe if you understand how the ingredients work?



Like that sunken cake. You know exactly what to adjust so it doesn't happen again.

Or you try a cookie recipe you found online. And the cookies spread too much during baking. So you know that next time, you need to adjust the flour ratio.

I help bakers understand how to do all of this and more.

Because what could be better than sharing what I know to help other people live their dreams?


Who Can Join?

This program is for every baker.

I have over 15 years of experience as a professional baker, instructor, and recipe developer. I'm here to help bakers of all skill levels.

Avid Home Bakers

Who want to improve for your own enjoyment and self-accomplishment. You have a thirst for knowledge to learn!

Bloggers & Food Photographers

Who want to save time and money by knowing how to work faster, waste fewer ingredients, and create dazzling desserts.

Baking Business Owners

Who want to create recipes with confidence (no Googling needed). And make desserts look beautiful too.

Join the Society Today

Take control of your baking future. You have the ability to do anything you dream of once you have the right baking skills and knowledge. Not sure if you're ready to join? Subscribe to my newsletter and stay in the know!